This studio, in a quiet Cotswold village, had been lived in for many years by a celebrated opera critic and more closely resembled a Fleet Street dive than a home. We gave it a serious facelift, enlarged and refitted the bathroom and kitchen and then furnished it to make a cosy, attractive retreat that fits happily in the beautiful Cotswold countryside.

Everything was locally sourced
The bed was custom made by Upholstery Techniques (Cheltenham) Ltd. – view website
Curtain fabric from Lewis & Wood – view website
Lamps from Pooky Lighting – view website
Fabulous oak wood floor from Castle Flooring – view website
Wall and floor tiles from Mandarin Stone – view website
Other furniture from antique and vintage warehouses that we treasure!

It’s still opposite the local pub – The Falcon in Poulton which serves excellent food – and we retained some features (mostly the paintings and the odd book for serious opera buffs) in homage to the previous owner. The Hermitage is now available for holiday letting through Character Cottages – view website. Images (except the two rather dreadful old photos taken by me!) courtesy of Oliver Grahame Photography – view website.